The AutoCRAT Exploitation Workshop took place on November 10th, 2023 in Galway. The workshop aimed to plan for the future exploitation of AutoCRAT innovations, including therapeutic products, the automated platform, and ValitaCell assays.

Nora Ward of Pintail Limited introduced the intended scope of the workshop and explained how the team will build towards our Business Plan from now until the end of the project. PIs and researchers from ValitaCell, the University of Galway, the University of Gothenburg, Leiden University Medical Center and Panaxea made notable presentations and contributions regarding plans for AutoCRAT innovations and results.

The Exploitation workshop laid the foundations for the AutoCRAT Business Plan due at the end of the project. The promising results presented at the plenary meeting on the 9 and 10 of  November provided a foundation for our discussions. Future exploitation plans will continue to evolve as the final project results are generated. The workshop ended on an optimistic note; partners agreed on a framework for the preparation of the AutoCRAT Business Plan report.

Professor Mary Murphy, University of Galway, thanked everyone for their input to the productive milestone workshop.