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AutoCRAT poster wins award at XI Meeting Stem Cell Research Italy

An award-winning poster titled: ‘Long-term serial passage and differentiation capacity of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells’ by authors Cansu Gorgun, Elisabetta Palama, Chiara Gentili of UNIGE, and Georgina Shaw and Mary Murphy of NUI Galway was presented by Dr Cansu Gorgun at the XI Meeting Stem Cell Research Italy.

The meeting took place on June 8th-10th, 2022 in Genova, Italy. Congratulations on the prize for the ‘Best Poster’!

AutoCRAT poster wins award at XI Meeting Stem Cell Research Italy2022-07-11T07:07:03+00:00

AutoCRAT partners at LUMC have been awarded funding for two AutoCRAT-related research projects

Springing from their work in AutoCRAT, The Leiden University Medical Center is involved in two new, related NWA-ORC funded projects. The 2022 NWA-ORC science-encompassing funding round is aimed at making interdisciplinary research and innovation possible, so that scientific and societal breakthroughs come within reach.

LUMC is a partner in the LS-NeoCarE consortium that aims to develop regenerative treatment methods for osteoarthritis. LS-NeoCarE wants to improve the lives of people with osteoarthritis by developing durable regenerative cartilage implants. These living implants are based on revolutionary stem cell, bioreactor, and 3D-printing technologies. Through the active involvement of researchers, industry, doctors, and patient organizations, the project creates support among both patients and doctors for applicability and with industry for marketing the developed implants. The project is funded by an NWA-ORC grant of 3.2 million Euros.

Secondly, the LUMC is a partner in the LoaD project that seeks answers to the question: What is ‘healthy load’ for people with osteoarthritis?” This research focuses on investigating what a healthy exercise load is for osteoarthritis patients so that they can receive tailor-made support. This project is also funded by an NWA-ORC grant.

AutoCRAT partners at LUMC have been awarded funding for two AutoCRAT-related research projects2022-05-03T10:16:19+00:00

LUMC showcases AutoCRAT and osteoarthritis research at OARSI 2022 meeting in Berlin

At the (Osteoarthritis Research Society International) OARSI 2022 World Congress in Berlin, Professor Ingrid Meulenbelt of the LUMC  was the invited keynote speaker. Her talk was titled Mechanobiology and OA: Elucidating Mechano-Pathology of Osteoarthritis. The meeting was held from April 7th to April 10th.

Also, while there, Niek Bloks presented COL6A3 mutation causing aberrant collagen VI function has interacting effect with mechanical loading. This body of work is the result of a close collaboration (NIH project) with Farshid Guilak and Zainab Harissa from Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Marcella van Hoolwerff presented work entitled Identification and functional characterization imbalanced OA associated fibronectin1 splice variants. Congratulations to Niek and Marcella who were awarded for their highest-rated abstracts at OARSI 2022 in Berlin. See the photo below.

In addition, LUMC’s Nicoline Korthagen, Ilja Boone, and Yolande F.M. Ramos presented a poster entitled Towards application of cell therapy using hiPSC-derived MSCs as a stable ‘off-the-shelf’ cell source acknowledging AutoCRAT’s Horizon 2020 funding.

Well done to all!

LUMC showcases AutoCRAT and osteoarthritis research at OARSI 2022 meeting in Berlin2022-04-14T16:40:03+00:00

Congratulations to Prof. Frank Barry for election to the Royal Irish Academy!

Prof. Frank BarryNUI Galway academic Professor Frank Barry has been elected as a Member of the Royal Irish Academy ( for his exceptional contribution to the sciences, humanities and social sciences as well as to public service. The NUI Galway academic was among 27 new members admitted to the academy by Dr Mary Canning, President of the Academy, in a virtual ceremony on May 21st, 2021. 

Frank Barry is a Professor of Cellular Therapy at the Regenerative Medicine Institute in NUI Galway and Visiting Scientist at the Schroeder Arthritis Institute in Toronto. His research interests include stem cell biology and the development of cell-based repair strategies for osteoarthritis. In a career that has spanned both industry and academic research, he has contributed to the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine by developing innovative and successful cellular therapies for tissue repair, joint injury and arthritic disease. He has published widely in the areas of mesenchymal stromal cell biology, cartilage repair and cellular therapy, and has been the recipient of the Marshall Urist Award for excellence in tissue regeneration research from the Orthopaedic Research Society.

Welcoming the newly admitted members, Dr Mary Canning, President of the Royal Irish Academy, said: ‘These 27 new members are recognised for their scholarly achievements, typically reflecting many years of research, or for significant contributions to Irish society. They bring international academic distinction to our country and we should be immensely proud of these remarkable women and men. As Members of the Academy, they will strengthen our capacity to provide expert advice on Higher Education and Research policy.”

Election to membership of the Royal Irish Academy is the highest academic distinction in Ireland. The Academy has been honouring Ireland’s leading contributors to the world of learning since its establishment in 1785 and currently have 637 members.

Congratulations to Prof. Frank Barry for election to the Royal Irish Academy!2021-07-12T13:46:57+00:00
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