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AutoCRAT results avalanche at OARSI 2024

Our researchers will be in Vienna this week to showcase AutoCRAT findings and results.

University of Gothenburg‘s Dr Kristina Vukusic‘s poster (#450) titled “Efficacy of Intra-articular Injections of human induced Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Extracellular Vesicles, and hydrogel in Chondral Repair”, and Prof.  Victoria Rotter Sopasakis‘s poster #442, “Protocol for Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Chondrocytes Suitable for Regenerative Therapy of #Osteoarthritis.”

The University of Galway early-stage researcher Dale Creaven’s poster “In vitro assessment of the therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stromal cell- and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stromal cell apoptotic bodies” can be found at LB-050. In addition, Jason Hunt, also of the University of Galway, presented a poster titled “Generating Mesenchymal Stromal Cells From Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells As An Alternative Cell Source For Cell Therapy”.

In addition to presentations, our team of Prof. Ingrid Meulenbelt and Dr Yolande F. M. Ramos at Leiden University Medical Center will also take part in the Regenerative Medicine in OA Discussion Group and have been invited to a lunch to celebrate Women in Stem Cell Research.

OARSI is the premier international organization for scientists and health care professionals focused on the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis through the promotion and presentation of research, education and the worldwide dissemination of new knowledge.

AutoCRAT results avalanche at OARSI 20242024-04-22T11:46:24+00:00

Fraunhofer IPT hosts the AutoCRAT consortium’s final meeting

Partners assembled in Aachen, Germany from all points of Europe to meet AutoCRAT partners for the final plenary meeting. The two-day gathering took place on April 11th and 12th, 2024. Special thanks to Ferdinand Groten and Laura Herbst for the warm hospitality, commodious conference room, guided Old Aachen stroll and the piece de resistance- the Fraunhofer IPT facilities tour. Here, we were treated to a demonstration of the robotic AutoCRAT  system in action. A video showcasing the automated platform is currently being produced.

Much data was shared and publication plans were discussed. We were pleased to see all partners’ results lining up to support a robust pre-clinical proposition to pursue a clinical trial in the near future.

Many partners will be attending the OARSI meeting in Vienna. If you are attending, please visit their posters and presentations.

Fraunhofer IPT hosts the AutoCRAT consortium’s final meeting2024-04-15T08:02:16+00:00

A Project milestone- the AutoCRAT Exploitation Workshop

The AutoCRAT Exploitation Workshop took place on November 10th, 2023 in Galway. The workshop aimed to plan for the future exploitation of AutoCRAT innovations, including therapeutic products, the automated platform, and ValitaCell assays.

Nora Ward of Pintail Limited introduced the intended scope of the workshop and explained how the team will build towards our Business Plan from now until the end of the project. PIs and researchers from ValitaCell, the University of Galway, the University of Gothenburg, Leiden University Medical Center and Panaxea made notable presentations and contributions regarding plans for AutoCRAT innovations and results.

The Exploitation workshop laid the foundations for the AutoCRAT Business Plan due at the end of the project. The promising results presented at the plenary meeting on the 9 and 10 of  November provided a foundation for our discussions. Future exploitation plans will continue to evolve as the final project results are generated. The workshop ended on an optimistic note; partners agreed on a framework for the preparation of the AutoCRAT Business Plan report.

Professor Mary Murphy, University of Galway, thanked everyone for their input to the productive milestone workshop.

A Project milestone- the AutoCRAT Exploitation Workshop2023-11-29T09:16:02+00:00

AutoCRAT meets in Galway, Ireland!

The AutoCRAT project team assembled at the University of Galway on 9 and 10 November for our latest meeting.

The autumnal weather could not dampen our enthusiasm as we reviewed the results starting to emanate from our final preclinical studies. Now we are entering the final phase of the project, our focus is on the completion of our in vitro and in vivo work, dissemination of our results and future exploitation plans. We also look forward to seeing the AutoCRAT automated platform and novel quality control assays in operation in the months ahead.

We benefited greatly from the presence (online) of Advisory Board member Professor Tim Hardingham and extend our sincere thanks to him for his time and expertise.

We enjoyed a successful and productive meeting and Galway’s legendary welcome! Many thanks to the team at the University of Galway for hosting.

AutoCRAT meets in Galway, Ireland!2023-11-10T16:08:30+00:00

Panaxea’s Iris Boot presents AutoCRAT research at ISPOR Europe 2023

Panaxea‘s Iris Boot will present her AutoCRAT work at the November 12th- 15th ISPOR 2023 conference in Copenhagen. The title of Iris’s poster is “Cell-based treatment increases Quality of Life and reduces amount of Knee Replacement Surgeries compared to current standard of care for knee osteoarthritis patients.” Preview the poster here.

In AutoCRAT, Panaxea is focused on the economic evaluation of GMP manufacturing and at-line testing using the AutoCRAT system. ISPOR provides an opportunity for researchers to convene with global healthcare leaders who share their interests in Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR).

Panaxea’s Iris Boot presents AutoCRAT research at ISPOR Europe 20232023-10-16T13:17:36+00:00

AutoCRAT research presented at upcoming ISCT meeting in Paris

Louisa Weltin of Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) will present AutoCRAT findings at the upcoming International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT) meeting in Paris. Louisa will present a poster (#840) titled: Automated iPSC, iMSC, iCHO and EV production at scale – Towards real-time release on the evening of June 1st, 2023 in the Poster Hall at the conference centre. 

The ISCT Annual Meeting takes an integrative approach across all stakeholders to address key topics spanning translational research and preclinical development through to clinical trials, regulatory approvals, commercialization and ultimately patient access. Topics are curated to address the biggest bottlenecks in cell and gene therapy development.

AutoCRAT research presented at upcoming ISCT meeting in Paris2023-05-30T11:11:43+00:00

Professor Murphy presents AutoCRAT at Galway Immunology Research Day

AutoCRAT Coordinator Professor Mary Murphy presented the AutoCRAT project and an update on our progress at the recent University of Galway immunology research day, on April 28th, 2023. Mary’s talk title was “Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (iMSCs) and immunomodulation.”

The first annual Curam Day of Immunology was held on campus and was hosted by Prof. Thomas Ritter and Dr Aideen Ryan. Find the meeting programme here.

Professor Murphy presents AutoCRAT at Galway Immunology Research Day2023-05-04T11:29:44+00:00

AutoCRAT in Genoa

The AutoCRAT team gathered in Genoa, Italy on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2023 for our latest plenary meeting.

We discussed recent results and plans for the project in the beautiful, Universita Degli Studi di Genova buildings in the historic heart of the city. Our key studies into the therapeutic effect of AutoCRAT products are taking shape and the build of the AutoCRAT platform continues in Aachen.

Sincere thanks to the team from UniGe who hosted the meeting and facilitated some productive discussions. We are looking forward already to the next in-person meeting in late Summer/Autumn 2023.


AutoCRAT in Genoa2023-02-10T16:06:06+00:00

Gothenburg welcomes AutoCRAT!

The AutoCRAT consortium met up in the Wallenberg Conference Centre at the University of Gothenburg on the 16th and 17th of June, 2022. Partners presented recent work and results and made plans for the next 6 months. In particular, the team discussed expected results from initial preclinical studies due in the coming weeks. These initial results will help us design the next preclinical studies to be undertaken in the project. At the end of the meeting, partners were able to undertake a tour of the facilities on site.

We were very pleased to meet in person once again. This enabled fruitful, impromptu discussions over shared meals and during the breaks throughout the meeting.

Many thanks to the team at UGOT, our gracious hosts, who made it such a worthwhile and enjoyable meeting!

Gothenburg welcomes AutoCRAT!2022-06-22T08:18:25+00:00

Prof. Dr Bernd Giebel presents at Circulating Biomarkers Europe meeting, Rotterdam

On March 1st and 2nd 2022, Professor Dr Bernd Giebel of the University Medicine Essen presented current research in a talk titled “Clinical Potential of MSC-EVs and Translational Challenges” at the Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes and Liquid Biopsy Europe meeting held in Rotterdam. In his talk, Prof. Giebel acknowledged his role in the AutoCRAT project.

Prof. Dr Bernd Giebel presents at Circulating Biomarkers Europe meeting, Rotterdam2022-05-23T12:36:49+00:00

AutoCRAT presented by Fraunhofer IPT at Stem Cell Network NRW 2022 meeting

Ferdinand Biermann

Ferdinand Biermann

The Stem Cell Network NRW 13th internal Meeting will take place on May 6th and 7th this year at the Akademie-Mont-Cenis in Herne. At the meeting, Fraunhofer IPT’s Ferdinand Biermann will present the AutoCRAT Project concept. His talk on Saturday, May 7th, at 9:30 am (German time) is entitled: Fully automated production of mesenchymal stem cells, chondrocytes and extracellular vesicles for osteoarthritis treatment. 

This 2022 meeting aims to showcase the breadth of stem cell research taking place in North Rhine-Westphalia, stimulate exchange among researchers and, above all, will integrate research groups that recently joined the Network.

The Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia has existed since 2002 and is comprised not only of biomedical institutes and clinics but also ethical, legal, and social science institutions. This composition reflects the transdisciplinary approach of the network: In addition to promoting biomedical stem cell research in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), ethical, legal, and social science studies are intended to ensure a responsible approach to the topic, especially in view of the high expectations placed on this research area in the future. A total of almost 80 institutions in NRW form the network, at 23 different institutions.

AutoCRAT presented by Fraunhofer IPT at Stem Cell Network NRW 2022 meeting2022-05-03T08:05:43+00:00

AutoCRAT consortium assembles for plenary meeting in Aachen, DE

The AutoCRAT team came together on 25 and 26 November 2021 for a “hybrid” plenary meeting.

In-person attendees were hosted in Aachen, Germany by Fraunhofer IPT. Other members of the team joined online. The meeting was held as we received confirmation of approval of our Month 18 report. Partners had an opportunity to update the consortium on recent results and discuss plans for the next phase of the programme. The in-person attendees also enjoyed a tour of the platforms and facilities on-site in Aachen, which was of particular benefit for the partners transferring AutoCRAT processes into automation.

Many thanks to the team at Fraunhofer IPT for hosting the meeting.

AutoCRAT consortium assembles for plenary meeting in Aachen, DE2021-11-29T16:54:23+00:00

AutoCRAT research presented by Prof. Dr Giebel and Dr Elisabetta Palamà at Stem Net Conference in Padua

The StemNet conference took place in the MUSME, the Museum of History of Medicine in Padua, Italy from the 22nd to the 24th of September 2021. During the ‘Cell-free Therapy’ session on September 24th, Prof. Dr Bernd Giebel of the University Hospital Essen facilitated a talk entitled: Functional heterogeneity of cellular and extracellular vesicle-based therapeutics: implications for the development of potency assays. Dr Elisabetta Palamà of UNIGE presented at the international conference, as well. Her talk was titled “Clinical grade mesenchymal stromal cells-derived extracellular vesicles promote human cartilage recovery in vitro.”

The meeting was co-sponsored by the Gruppo di Italiani Staminali Mesenchimali, GISM.



AutoCRAT research presented by Prof. Dr Giebel and Dr Elisabetta Palamà at Stem Net Conference in Padua2021-10-07T09:31:29+00:00

UNIGE’s Researchers present AutoCRAT findings at EV-Ita Symposium in Lucca

Prof. Chiara Gentili and Dr Elisabetta Palama of the University of Genova attended and presented posters at the EV-Ita Symposium. The meeting took place from September 20th to the 22nd in Lucca, Italy. Prof. Gentili’s poster was entitled: Extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stromal cells cultured in a clinical-grade medium promote human cartilage recovery. Dr Palama’s poster title was “Role of Extracellular Vesicles from adipose tissue- and bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells in endothelial proliferation and chondrogenesis”.

Dr Elisabetta Palamà


UNIGE’s Researchers present AutoCRAT findings at EV-Ita Symposium in Lucca2021-10-07T09:39:28+00:00

Prof. Frank Barry, NUI Galway presents AutoCRAT at two high-profile May conferences

On May 19th, 2021, Prof. Frank Barry of the Regenerative Medicine Institute at NUI Galway was a panellist at the Next Generation of Cell Therapies session of the Advanced Therapies Congress & Expo 2021. The online meeting was held May 19th- 21st, online. Prof. Barry spoke on the topic of MSCs vs iPSCs. This summit aimed to explore, define and attempt to tackle the challenges to the development of patient access to ATMPs, and how to move forward into a brighter 2022.

Then, at the International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy (ISCT) 2021 Annual Meeting, Professor Barry spoke on the topic of Debating MSC Tissue Sources – Biological and Manufacturing Considerations, on May 26, 2021, at the virtual meeting. The ISCT meeting was held May 25th- 28th. Established in 1992, ISCT is the global steward fostering cell and gene therapy translation to the clinic. With a network of leading clinicians, regulators, researchers, technologists and industry partners, ISCT members have a shared vision to translate cell and gene therapies into safe and effective therapies to improve patients’ lives worldwide.



Prof. Frank Barry, NUI Galway presents AutoCRAT at two high-profile May conferences2021-06-10T06:26:59+00:00

AutoCRAT partners at DIMES, Universita degli Studi di Genova present results at ISEV meeting

At the International Society Extracellular Vesicles meeting, held online May 18th- 21st, 2021, AutoCRAT partners at Universita degli Studi di Genova presented AutoCRAT results in both an oral presentation and a poster. More than 1,300 delegates attended the virtual meeting!

Poster PS08.12, titled “Comparative analysis of extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from adipose tissue- and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells” was presented by Dr Cansu Gorgun. Co-authors on this work include Dr Maria Elisabetta Federica Palamà, Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, Daniele Reverberi – U.O. Molecular Pathology, IRCCS Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Roberta Tasso – Researcher, University of Genova, and Prof. Chiara Gentili, Professor, Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa.

The oral presentation for ISEV 2021, titled “Clinical grade MSC-EVs promote human cartilage recovery in vitro” was delivered by Dr Maria Elisabetta Federica Palama,  post-doctoral fellow, Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa. This work was co-authored by: Simona Coco-  IRCCS Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Daniele Reverberi- U.O. Molecular Pathology, IRCCS Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Georgina Margaret- REMEDI, NUI Galway, Dario Pisignano-  Nanoscience Institute CNR-NANO (NEST), Pisa, Italy, Katia Cortese- Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, Prof Frances Peter Barry- REMEDI, NUI Galway, Prof Mary Murphy- REMEDI, NUI Galway, and Prof. Chiara Gentili Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES), University of Genoa, Italy.

The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles is the leading professional society for researchers and scientists involved in the study of microvesicles and exosomes.  With nearly 1,000 members, ISEV continues to be the leader in advancing the study of extracellular vesicles.  Founded in 2012 in Sweden, ISEV has since moved its headquarters to the United States.  Through its programs and services, ISEV provides essential training and research opportunities for those involved in exosome and microvesicle research.

AutoCRAT partners at DIMES, Universita degli Studi di Genova present results at ISEV meeting2021-06-10T12:46:42+00:00

Coordinator Prof Murphy presented at OActive conference, April 23, 2021

AutoCRAT Coordinator Professor of Regenerative Medicine Mary Murphy, NUI Galway presented “AutoCRAT for automated manufacturing of novel, next generation regenerative therapies for osteoarthritis” on April 23, 2021, at the online OActive Project ( conference. The theme of the meeting was “From Modelling to Clinical predictive and interventional tools to treat osteoarthritis.”

For further information and to register for the meeting, click here. If you are interested in joining the discussions on how a combination of mechanistic computational models, simulations, and big data analytics can target patient-specific OA prediction and interventions, please attend!

OActive is a Horizon 2020-funded project whose mission is to improve healthcare by transforming and accelerating the osteoarthritis diagnosis and prediction based on a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of disease pathophysiology, dynamics, and patient outcomes. View their short explainer video here. OActive has received funding from the European Community’s H2020 Programme, under grant agreement Nr. 777159. Funding scheme: H2020-SC1-PM-17-2017.

Updated 7 May 2021: One hundred-fifty unique participants attended the AutoCRAT session.


Coordinator Prof Murphy presented at OActive conference, April 23, 20212021-05-07T09:03:09+00:00

AutoCRAT consortium meets online March 4/5, 2021

Representatives from all nine partner organisations met online on March 4th and 5th to provide research updates since our last meeting and to share work plans for the next six months. It was a productive meeting and all agreed that it would be a welcome change to meet face-to-face at some point in the future!

AutoCRAT consortium meets online March 4/5, 20212021-03-08T10:30:16+00:00
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