AutoCRAT partner Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) will begin construction of the largest non-profit stem cell and gene therapy facility in the Netherlands in 2020. This will be one of the largest such facilities in Europe measuring at 4000 square metres. The Leiden facility is called NECSTGEN, the Netherlands Centre for the Clinical advancement of Stem Cell and Gene Therapies.
The NECSTGEN is a public-private partnership. Researchers and start-ups will soon be welcomed in Leiden, NL in order to accelerate the application of regenerative medicine therapies. NECSTGEN is in part a collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Commercialisation of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM), who realised a similar facility in Toronto.
Currently, there are limited affordable, non-profit facilities where cell and cell product development for regenerative medical treatments are manufactured at scale.
One of the founders of NECSTGEN, Gerard van Loon stated, “NECSTGEN is a 100% daughter of the LUMC and started particularly to boost the cell and gene therapy research in Leiden, and particularly the LUMC.”
Congratulations to LUMC and their partners for this great achievement and contribution to the regenerative medicine field!
Read the official press release here.