Dr Tanja Kutzner

Introducing Dr Tanja Kutzner, a postdoc in the lab of Prof. Dr Bernd Giebel at the University Medicine Essen. Tanja joined the AutoCRAT project recently and attended the June plenary meeting hosted by the University of Gothenburg. Tanja kindly provided a short bio below. Welcome aboard!

Since May 2022 I have been working in my second postdoc position as part of Bernd Giebel´s lab at the University Hospital of Essen and I am also a team member of AutoCRAT. Having the opportunity to work with an international team of experts, and investigate the therapeutic potential of specific cell types and their EVs to develop new therapeutic options to treat patients makes the AutoCRAT project especially interesting for me. Within the AutoCRAT team, I am concentrating on the development and optimization of downstream processes for EVs.

I am born in Bielefeld a city in the west of Germany. I studied molecular biotechnology at the University of Bielefeld, where I also completed my diploma and my PhD thesis. My diploma thesis was focused on establishing and optimizing purification protocols for a novel human serpin followed by its characterization. In my PhD thesis, I concentrated on the isolation, characterization and phylogenetic comparison of serpins.

For my first postdoctoral position, I moved to Munich and worked at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University. During this time, I was dealing with the implementation, optimization and standardization of upstream- and downstream processing procedures mainly for recombinant proteins produced in different organisms.

I like to spend my free time in nature and with my family and friends. I also love to go biking or swimming and read a good crime novel. Some of my favorite authors are Simon Beckett, Alex Kava, Nele Neuhaus and Sebastian Fitzek.