University of Gothenburg (UGOT)
University of Gothenburg (UGOT) is among the largest universities in Northern Europe (approx. 37,000 students and 6,000 employees). With its eight faculties, UGOT is also the most wide-ranging and versatile university in Sweden. UGOT is an active international university engaged in collaborative projects and partnerships all over the world. In FP7, UGOT participated in approximately 180 projects, both as a coordinator and a partner and is to date participating in about 80 projects in H2020.
The Department of Laboratory Medicine-Clinical Chemistry is a Department in the Institute of Biomedicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University. The department conducts research into cartilage regeneration and osteoarthritis, neurochemistry, glycobiology, hematology and inborn error of metabolism. The research in cell therapy started in the 1990s with the development of autologous chondrocyte transplantation (ACT) with today over 2,000 patients treated.
In AutoCRAT UGOT will work on a number of different aspects of the Project, including discovery and validation of novel regenerative cell therapeutics and testing and validation of AutoCRAT therapeutics for OA (which UGOT will lead).
The Team
Prof. Anders Lindahl leads the UGOT team in AutoCRAT with Dr Stina Simonsson (Associate Professor) and Dr Kristina Vukusic.

Prof. Anders Lindahl

Dr Stina Simonsson

Dr Kristina Vukusic