Ferdinand Biermann
The Stem Cell Network NRW 13th internal Meeting will take place on May 6th and 7th this year at the Akademie-Mont-Cenis in Herne. At the meeting, Fraunhofer IPT’s Ferdinand Biermann will present the AutoCRAT Project concept. His talk on Saturday, May 7th, at 9:30 am (German time) is entitled: Fully automated production of mesenchymal stem cells, chondrocytes and extracellular vesicles for osteoarthritis treatment.
This 2022 meeting aims to showcase the breadth of stem cell research taking place in North Rhine-Westphalia, stimulate exchange among researchers and, above all, will integrate research groups that recently joined the Network.
The Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia has existed since 2002 and is comprised not only of biomedical institutes and clinics but also ethical, legal, and social science institutions. This composition reflects the transdisciplinary approach of the network: In addition to promoting biomedical stem cell research in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), ethical, legal, and social science studies are intended to ensure a responsible approach to the topic, especially in view of the high expectations placed on this research area in the future. A total of almost 80 institutions in NRW form the network, at 23 different institutions.